How I went from burn out and self-doubt to helping hundreds of songwriters rediscover their creativity and confidence!
Before building multiple thriving songwriting communities. Before being awarded tens of thousand's of pounds in funding to pursue my music. Before finding true inner peace and self-acceptance to write my songs however and whenever I pleased. Before discovering the bullet proof confidence to go after my dreams…
...there was an anxious, unhappy, scared girl, worn out by constant self-sabotage, pouring her heart out on stages across London 7-9 times a week, just to pay the bills.
Lost in crippling self doubt.
Desperate for direction.
Sleeping In Vans, Ignoring The Signs & One. Massive. Breakdown…
Songwriting has been anything but a smooth ride for me.
While my fast-paced lifestyle on the road during my 20's saw me perform over seven gruelling European tours, frequently taking in schedules of 30 shows over 26 days in 5 different countries, performing with some of the UK’s best known independent artists…the shift into becoming a confident and consistent songwriter was anything but easy.
I put my health last, sleeping in vans and on fan’s couches, eating a service station diet, going from one intense show to the next, constantly stuck in the comparison trap and struggling to build the career I though I SHOULD have because that’s what society deemed ‘successful’.
It was then, in the midst of absolute chaos that I completely lost my voice and lost the ability to sing.
The doctor told me I was suffering a nervous breakdown and my body was telling me to finally stop.
During this forced break, I was plagued by a chronic case of fear, second-guessing, overwhelm, and a battering sense of “not good enough” that made everything feel one million times harder than it should. If I wrote songs but no one heard them, who was I?
And when I finally did start to feel a little better…
… I quickly realised:
“I was placing my self-worth on validation from others and neglecting my true creativity and passion for songwriting”
The next couple of years sucked.
I wasn't ripped from a busy, overworked, unhealthy lifestyle to land softly with an abundance of time, energy and enthusiasm!
Quite the opposite.
Every small 'win' was marred by an even bigger hit of self-doubt, resulting in two excruciating years of writer’s block. In fact the crippling sense of 'not enoughness’ saw me leave the field of music entirely.
I felt like my best friend had died and I was grieving.
Painful “heart-to-hearts” with friends and family, desperately trying to understand my confused, lost and emotional state of being.
Missed opportunities to express myself, to be creative and to enjoy life, all because I had blindly over worked myself into a hole.
And worst of all, so so many supportive and genuine fans just patiently waiting for me to ‘feel like myself again’.
I finally got that 9-5 ‘real job’ I'd been pushed towards for so long and in the grips of deeply missing music, for the first time in my life I realised that I had been focusing on all the wrong things.
I was burning myself out with gigs, tours, shows which, on paper, gave me the right to call myself a “professional” musician...
I was simply conforming to what I thought society expected from me.
I was trying to impress strangers on the internet, friends and family members so they would not think I was a failure. I was trying to convince them that my time writing songs was worthwhile.
But all along, it was myself I had to convince...
But, when I leaned into the process of songwriting, the outcome no longer mattered to me.
I was happy, centred and focused. I was finally taking myself seriously as a songwriter by accepting that the songs come first. I discovered:
How to create and sustain a consistent songwriting practice (with ease!)
How to identify when negative self-talk was getting in the way and what to do to about it
How to show up for myself and write excellent songs no matter how inspired or ‘in the mood’ I felt
And after all that was dialled in…
I discovered how to truly love and appreciate every song I wrote, even if it was not my ‘best work’.
And best of all…
I’ve had the honour of helping hundreds of songwriters, lyricists and musicians like you sidestep years of struggle and build amazing sustainable, joy-filled creative practises of their own.
With a powerful combination of songwriting skill-building and deep mindset work.
The approach I take is holistic and person-centred.
I am interested in getting into the nitty gritty, REAL emotions, thought processes and feelings at the same time as developing music theory knowledge, and songcraft that will give you the unshakable confidence to start and finish each song you write.
I have helped songwriters at all stages of their songwriting journey to finally start putting themselves first and stop relegating their creativity to the bottom of the pile.
I’m able to do this, because I teach what I know.
I teach what I’ve personally done to build a concrete musical foundation in my own life and career; technically, mentally and emotionally.
Are you ready to get out your own way and finally take your music seriously?
Because your creative voice matters to the world.
That’s why you’re here.
That’s why you spend hours day dreaming about music. Hearing songs materialise in your head. Feeling the tension, fizz and excitement of the potential of a new song yet to be written.
You are a songwriter - lyrics, melody and music is how you express your love to the world, my friend.
That’s why you’ve invested so many hours and so much of your hard earned cash.
By reading this, you’ve proven that you’re willing to DO the work to clear out the baggage and experience a creative life full of song.
You just want to make absolutely sure you’re doing the RIGHT work with the RIGHT support.
Overcome the fear that has been holding you back from sharing your creative voice.
Your musicianship and songwriting will soar as you hone your craft, growing towards a more rounded, content, fulfilled and accomplished songwriter.
Take the first step towards life-changing creative control.
Start With One Of My FREE Powerful Resources
No More Waiting For Ideas With Your FREE Done-For-You Songwriting Prompts
Plan Your Year And Set Your Songwriting Goals For 2022