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Support your creative journey with group coaching, song feedback and hot seats with Rosie

We live in a world that has us all convinced that if we just keep our heads down, stay in our lane and hustle

hard (even if it's making us unhappy) then all will be fine. 


If that is the case, then why are there so many songwriters out there, hurting, feeling like an imposter, suffering in silence, confused, overwhelmed, not writing the songs they desperately want to get out of themselves?


You are part of a collective and songwriting is one of the most powerful art forms you can practise in a group setting.


Over the past year I have watched a community of Radical Songwriters evolve. 


I have saw songwriters absolutely smash through barriers and limiting beliefs to find bliss, easy and fun on the other-side.   This could be your story too.



You are not supposed to do this 'music thing' alone.

Image by Hannah Busing

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”
- Oprah Winfrey      

"Book a coaching session with Rosie.  She is an excellent teacher and coach, with much experience and and expertise in music and songwriting."

- Pamela Jo Hatley

"Rosie helped me with my imposter syndrome in about 5 minutes flat where others have failed for years.  Rosie also guided me through who to approach, how to approach them, what to say & also gave me the confidence to do so. Thanks Rosie!"

- Julie Woolmore

"I invite other people to be on my songs now because I am not worried about they are going to think.  I feel more comfortable sharing my work knowing that I appreciate feedback to improve the type of work I am doing.”

- Bob Fredrick


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Massively up-level your Authentic Songwriting 5-Day Challenge experience.


In addition to the core trainings inside the challenge you will also get:

  • 5 x Private Zoom sessions with Rosie and your fellow Authentic Songwriting Group Coaching participants each day of the challenge

  • 2 x Group Coaching Sessions, 2 x Hot Seat Q&A Sessions, 1 x Song Feedback Session

  • Recordings of each session with replays available to download

  • Work closer with Rosie as your mentor for 5 days, ask questions, get clarity and recieve support from the group, be part of an amazing community of songwriters.



Dear Songwriter, everything you need is right in front of you...


I spent two years 'in the dark', not writing songs, totally disconnected and feeling so deeply alone.  It wasn't until I found a fantastic coach that my music, songwriting and life absolutely changed (thanks Isobel!).


After working on my limiting beliefs and my songwriting skills I overcame all those grizzly fears that had been holding me back from sharing my truth, my authenticity and my real creative voice for so long. 


I felt free.  I felt confident.  I felt like me again.


Your musicianship and songwriting will soar as you uncover layers of your creative potential, as you hone your craft, as you feel yourself grow and evolve! 


So, Dear Songwriter, here is to becoming a peaceful, fulfilled and accomplished artist...the artist you know you truly are!


See you inside the challenge >>

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